February 2023 News
Local Proposals and Projects
1. A Neighbor Meeting for a rezoning at 8800 E. Jacaranda Way, was held on January 4, 2023, at the Ward 2 Office, 7575 E. Speedway. The project seeks rezoning from the current Suburban Ranch (SR) to Low-Density Residential (RX-2) to build 54 new homes, including multi-family residences. In order to obtain rezoning permits, the developer must obtain an amendment to the Bear Canyon Neighborhood Plan that the City of Tucson agreed to abide by in 1985. That agreement includes the area characterized by LOW DENSITY, OWNER-OCCUPIED residences typical of Pima County’s zoning classification of Suburban Ranch and CR-1. The plan’s stated goal is to preserve the integrity of the existing neighborhoods by acting as a guideline for assigning original city zoning classifications. This rezoning request clearly violates the BCNP. Related information can be found here. The Neighbor Notice can be found here.
2. Planning and Development Services Department (PDSD) are working on updates to improve development codes, including the Unified Development Code, Technical Standards Manual, Administrative Manual, and other related codes and standards. A public hearing on the PDSD Code Update package Unified Development Code (UDC) Amendment is scheduled during the Mayor and Council Meeting on March 21, 2023, after 5:30pm.More information can be found here.
3. New Era – Projects International – Proposed Rezoning and Development at Tanque Verde Road and Houghton Road. This rezoning project is in reference to the ~11.5 acre parcel located on the northeast corner of Tanque Verde and Houghton Roads from SR-1 (1 home: 3 acres) to R-1 (33 homes: 11 acres). At the February 22, 2023, Mayor and Council meeting, this proposed zoning change was denied.
4. Town of Tanque Verde – Research is continuing on the feasibility and advisability of transitioning the Tanque Verde Valley to a town through incorporation, in response to the recent significant increase in activity by the City of Tucson to annex and rezone areas of the Tanque Verde community. If you are interested in participating in this group or just want more information, please contact Bill Patterson at [email protected] or visit their website: https://tanqueverdetown.org/.
5. Read about the Pima County Outdoor Lighting Code
6. The Houghton Road Corridor Implementation Plan and Schedule can be viewed here. Details on the latest phase of the project can be viewed here.